Red Clay Athletics

Red Clay Athletics is hosting their 2nd Annual Fall Golf Outing on Saturday, November 5th, 2022. Event will take place at Mooresville Golf Course. Registration is $500 for a foursome or $125 per individual. There will be a convenience fee of $25 for a foursome and $10 for Individuals if paid online with a card.

2-3-7  & 3-50 Club!!! We are so excited for players to be recognized every week with helmet decals for achieving our 2-3-7 and our 3-50 club status. Players have the opportunity to earn both decals every week for hard work both on and off the field. What is our 2-3-7 club? Several years ago in […]

Red Clay Athletics What makes us different?   RCA is developed to provide consistent high level development for each age group.   Age group structure RCA strives to have multiple teams at each age level.  These teams will be broken down by talent levels.  Each age group will practice together to ensure a consistent coa

What is Foam Rolling? How it can help you become a better Athlete Eddie Arvelo, CSCS I am sure you have seen this piece of equipment at your local fitness facility, or even own one.  But what does it do?  Are you using it the correct way?